If you’re looking for a delicious and easy artichoke dish, look no further than this grilled artichoke recipe. Grilling artichokes gives them a beautiful char and enhances their flavor. You can serve them as an appetizer or as a side dish to any meal. The creamy garlic aioli is the perfect dipping compliment. So delicious and easy to make, you’ll be begging for more!

Wash your artichokes thoroughly then remove any leaves around the stem.  Trim the stem leaving about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the artichoke.  You can also trim the any sharp tips off the leaves if they are sharp.  Place them in a large pot with a steamer and cook for 15-20 minutes.  You should be able to easily poke the stem with a fork when it has finished.  If your artichoke is larger you will need to cook slightly longer.  Remove from the steamer and set aside to cool.

Once your artichoke has cooled down and is easy to touch, take a large knife and slice in half from bottom to top starting with the stem.  Lay out with cut side facing up.

You do not want to serve your guests artichokes with the fuzzy choke.  While the choke is not poisonous it is a choking hazard and it best to be removed.  The edible parts of the artichoke are at the base of each leaf you will find a meaty piece of flesh which you pull out with your teeth.  Also at the base of the artichoke under where the fuzzy choke is you will find a small part of the fleshy meat that is perfect for eating.  Do not under any circumstances eat the stem, it can wreak havoc on your stomach.

With a knife you are going to cut along the perimeter of where the fuzzy choke is.  If you have a grapefruit knife it works great for this.  After I have cut around the choke, use a spoon to pry it out.  I have a grapefruit spoon with a serrated edge that makes this so easy.  If there is any remaining tufts of hair use your fingers to pull them out.

Once you have cleaned out the center and removed all the fuzzy choke you are ready to prep them for the grill.  Brush the artichokes front and back with the garlic olive oil.  Be generous with the oil.  Salt and pepper each artichoke.  These can be prepped a few hours in advance and ready to through on the grill right before you serve them!